We are preparing to move to South Carolina. The good thing is, it's #4 on the Top 100 Places to Live list and where I live now, is much further down on the list LOL. Other positives are, it has 3 Local Scrapbook Stores (LSS's) and ALMOST everything you could ever need. The people are SUPER nice and it's really hard NOT to like it there. The bad things are that my friends don't live there, and I know no one, and that there is no IKEA LOL. The positives definitely outweigh the negatives, that's for sure!
Things have been incredibly stressful these last couple of days, in preparing for the move. To top it all off, I lost one of my camera cards, which had my most recent photos on it and my external hard drive disappeared, which has EVERYTHING on it! Yesterday, I asked my oldest to keep an eye on his brother while they were watching Spongebob Squarepants (my youngest's FAVORITE show) so I could close my eyes for a bit. I haven't been sleeping because of the move, the fact that my husband has been living in Greenville for about a month now, and my missing stuff. I was exhausted to say the least. So I was on the couch for about 5 minutes when I heard Kieran playing around with his computer. I checked on him to make sure he was OK and what does he have? My hard drive! The little mini-genius had put it into the bottom of HIS computer (it's a storage area for the little cards that go with his laptop). Anyway, so it's been found AND I found my camera card in the washing machine. Great place for it, but, it still works.
Short Skirt and Tight Low Top
1 day ago